Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Blog Neglect Syndrome

Yes, I am guilty of blog neglect. I admit it. I suppose part of my delemma is the complexities of my thoughts about this place aren't sorting themselves out neatly into blog posts. The longer I am here the more complex those thoughts are becoming. So this thing could spiral out of control. It seems like I've been skipping stones across the surface of things and hey that's fine. I could continue with the I-went-here, I-did-this-or-that kind of posts, but I had planned this blog to consist of that and more, and I suppose I haven't caught my angle on the whole thing yet. So, yes I went to Oman last weekend. I had an awesome time. I have pictures to prove it. But I haven't been able to get below the surface of it. What is Oman? Who is Oman? What is my take beyond the acid free scrapbook club page? I liked Eric's post on Oman's history as a country. Greg summed up the play by play with great commentary. Allison, well, she's awesome. So, what can I say? ...umm.

The syndrom continues...

Maybe Chris summed it up best.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I've been waiting to get some below-the surface type of impressions. What's your feeling about the place where you were? How did it impact you? Where did your thoughts turn to when you returned to Dubai?

As I've read the different blogs, one thing has made an impact, and that is the level of hospitality that you folks are experiencing when you've gone to different places..I find it so amazing to see this as a culturally shared value. If I imagine myself in the picture, I could also imagine that that much generousity would make me somewhat uncomfortable. Why I think this, I don't know.

I've also wondered how I would react to some different types of food and the expectations of a host to partake of it. What's it like to know that you stand out in a crowd of locals? (with your blond curly hair).

Well, that's my take on "Blog Neglect Syndrome". I'm sure that this ailment will run its course in due time and be replaced with some great thoughts and impressions. It's been so enjoyable to read your entries and see some great pics. Reading some of the others' reports on Oman has provoked my interest and desire to see someone fill in the spaces(No pressure, no pressure!) Really, the picture we as readers get, is so very interesting, and we just want MORE!!

Anonymous said...

M said it very well. Your blog posts to date have really given us some of the flavor and feel of the strange land that you are in. Another thing that no one is really addressing is what going to a school in a whole other country is like. What are the lectures like, how hard is the homework, can you understand the profs, and how good is the food in the cafeteria????

Speaking of school did you loose any teachers this week?? I guess the other school in town canned somebody for showing a certain cartoon that will remain nameless. I hope all is going well.