Hello. I'm back from a little two day stint in this nation's capitol to attend the NSEP convocation and orientation program. Walking around the seat of power for the world's only remaining super power was quite an experience. Every building represented power through architecture and the titles above their doors. I strolled around for the afternoon and made it back to the hotel for the reception where I was quickly absorbed into the "Egypt" group of scholars. We went out to this pub and talked for hours about everything we held in common, the reasons why we're going to the Middle East, our experience so far with the NSEP, past experiences abroad, and more. I was so impressed with the caliber of people I met (think Ivy League, freaking brilliant, etc.). Someday these kids will hold positions of power, I'm sure. The next day was absorbed by lectures and informational sessions. I took off and made it to Dulles with time to spare before my flight. Oh, and one more thing: power. (Just wanted to use that word one more time in this post.)
DAMN sexy. Look at that man. Women, guard your hearts. ;)
Gotta admit, he might be right, I mean look at that tan and all. You are a bronzed god... It might be fading, but its still darker than what these poor chumps in the United States can offer up. But I always thought I WAS and still am the number one man in your heart.
Wow Colin you have gotten some pretty impressive comments. Looks like you have some good friends in your life. Lets just hope everyone who reads this knows you well enough not to get the wrong idea.
I must admit you are good looking, I think it runs in our family.
Hey Colin. My name is Brittany Morris, and I won the Clinton scholarship to AUD, so I will be leaving for Dubai in August. I am excited although I really don't know what to expect. Elizabeth, from AIU gave me your blog address, so I thought I would get in contact with you and ask about your experiences. My email address is bem2p@mtsu.edu if you want to get in touch with me. Hope to talk to you soon!
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