Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Religious Bumper Stickers in the Gulf

I was walking back from lunch and saw the following bumper sticker.
They need to work on their english skills..


Anonymous said...

You can tell that English is not thier first language.

Anonymous said...

I want to write out my corrections on a post-it note, find that car, and stick it to their bumper. Just as a little FYI.

Anonymous said...

just write a note that says, while i am in my car behind you i cannot read this bumper sticker, you might want to find a bigger font.

Anonymous said...

Matt that is one of my biggest pet peeves!!! Bumper stickers that are too small!! Why not make a font big enough to read.

Anonymous said...

Hey colin, I read in the paper that there were riots in Dubai and Qatar. Can you explain your take on it, or give a little more info from someone who is actually there?