Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weekend in Sinai

Last weekend a group of us rented a mini-bus(with driver) and took off for the lovely shores of the Red Sea. We spent the entire time on the beach and playing in the cool clear water. It was a great time. Here are some photos:

The tunnel under the Suez Canal

The group all happy to be leaving Cairo

Checking into our rooms ($20 per night!)

Soaking up the sun!

Rob, relaxing

Me playing on an old surf board that we found

Rob and I's little hut by the sea

Sunset over the Gulf of Suez


Anonymous said...


3rd picture down from the title - - Is that you with glasses on??
It sure looks like you! -body type, height, the whole thing.

Unknown said...

no, that is Rob. (as in the title)