Random thoughts here--So, we're beginning to feel the semester come to a close. What, I think it's a about a month and we're all outta here? In all my moving around the US, and now the world, I have experienced a normalling effect. I move to a new place, it's weird and foreign for a little while. Then it becomes home: the new normal. So, this effect has run its course and Dubai feels pretty much like home to me--the little lives we all live--sequestered on campus at AUD, our diverse excursions around the gulf/middle east, going over to friends' houses for the evening, renting movies, going to the beach. All this makes a rhythm that adds up and eclipses previous normals. So what was it like to live in the States? I'm having a hard time recalling.
Peach Snapple??
YES!! and did you notice the arabic script on the label?
Yeah, I did. If perchance you have another, you should save the label for posterity . . . or me.
Do you check your old hotmail account? I sent to it.
I ran into Janita (Thompson) the other day in St. Croix. She is married to a guy who lived several years in UAE. Anyway, figured you think it interesting.
Where was this? At a coffee shop?
I know what you mean about school coming to a close, i've got that syndrome. I only have 6 weeks left, and I can't believe it. I am thinking about maybe going to Seattle before I move back to MN. Miss ya!!!
Hey, Patrick: what's your email address? (try my hotmail account again)
M. The photo was taken at the raddison, which is the hotel right across the street from the student dorms. It's an easy place to chill. And it has free wi-fi! (We call it "The Office")
Sis: Wow. say hi to Aunt Nola for me, if you go. And go to Bauhaus and have a mint mocha for me too!
Colin, I can't believe that you are almost done. I hope it is not too disapointing when you come home in a couple months and everything is not as exciting as traveling to so many different countries. I am glad that you have made that place your home. Maybe you will be able to visit there again. I am glad that you are coming home and will be back for most of the summer!
It will be nice to have you around again. Any idea when you are getting home??
I'm so excited for you coming home. I think you might have a shock when you come home. Specially with the climate, theres no beaches here in MN as nice as the ones in UAE, only lakes. I should have came to visit you! As most of the school goers commenting on here I am relizing the samething. Tnankfully school doesn't last forever, the end is drawing near. But its sad because everyone at my school are so close, and we're all going to have to say goodbye! I hate saying goodbye to people.
You guys look so "at home" there that it looks like somebody's living room.
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