Hello, I am currently sitting at a terminal in the famous Bibloteca Alexandria, the modern day revival of Alexandria's ancient library that was lost in 391AD. The new version was opened in 2002 as a way to put this little town of 6 million people back on the map.
So all 227 of us american students have been caravaning around Alex for the last three days. We stayed in a great hotel and have mostly been chilling in the beautiful sea air and relaxing with coffee and dinner at various restaurants in town. This place is truly beautiful, but I am ready to get back home to Cairo. Traveling with such a large group is exausting!
That's crazy amount of people, and I think traveling with 12 people is alot. So does this mean you have started school??? Are you guys going to have a home phone we can call??? miss you, EM
We actually HAVE a home phone, I just have no idea what the number is..
Sweet let me know the number.
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