Friday, January 27, 2006


Today I attended my first authentic UAE church service. The service was held in an unofficial manner at a villa in a residential neighborhood. Upon arrival, the people I rode with explained that while any church of over 40 people that does not meet on appoved land is not officially legal, it is nevertheless known about and tolerated by the government.

I was greeted by a duplex conversion. The central wall had been half removed and thus both living rooms combined to form a sufficient, although cramped, meeting place for around 100 people. (They hold two services each Friday.) The lectern stood in the very center so that whoever was speaking looked directly into the partial wall, but could address people on both sides equally. Everybody sat in white plastic lawn chairs and seemed comfortable with the lack of isles and elbow room.

The service began with a time of greeting and people rose from their seats and spoke to the group of happenings in their homes and families and things they were thankful for. Then an Indian man led some songs with his guitar, announcments were made, and the pastor stepped forward to teach from the Bible. His text came from Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" and was delivered with great care and passion as he exhorted us: "God is not about a system but a relationship."

Afterwards, the chairs were instantly put away which made room for everyone to mingle. I talked with people, hovered outside in the sun, and left with my ride. In summary, I was impressed by two things. Firstly, the international mix of the church. I heard and met people from Indonesia, Lebanon, China, India, Australia, South Africa, France, Nigeria, and the US. It was no hidout for white collar expats. I also appreciated the stripped down nature of the whole thing. Everything was humble and unimpressive on the outside, but it gave room for something deeper. This church was people, not a building, not an aesthetic, not a rock concert, not an existential spiritual experience--but real people--in communion with God and each other. I was impressed.


Anonymous said...

what kind of camera do you have colin?

Anonymous said...

it's a Canon A610 SUPER DELUXE CAMERA!!!