Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Mall

Well, it turns out the shopping festival has not been ruined by the Sheik's death of a heart attack after all. The shopping mall that is connected to my hotel was absolutely PACKED with people and most every shop was open, with impressive sales. The thing that most amazed me, is that you would never know you were in Gulf region except for the amazing array of people. There were gulf arabs walking by holding hands in their long flowing white robes and sandles passing women dressed in full black with only their eyes showing, passing men and women dressed in the latest european fashions. Oswald, a Syrian cardiologist, and I walked the mall together because he was determined to show me what dates look like. Well, we never made it, as we both got so caught up in the stores, and Starbucks, and talking to other conference delegates that we never made it to the date shop.

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